C++ API Reference (Core)


NB_MODULE(name, variable)

This macro creates the entry point that will be invoked when the Python interpreter imports an extension module. The module name is given as the first argument and it should not be in quotes. It must match the module name given to the nanobind_add_module() function in the CMake build system.

The second macro argument defines a variable of type module_. The body of the declaration typically contains a sequence of operations that populate the module variable with contents.

NB_MODULE(example, m) {
    m.doc() = "Example module";

    // Add bindings here
    m.def("add", []() {
        return "Hello, World!";

The macro registers a partial template specialization pattern for the type T that marks it as opaque, meaning that nanobind won’t try to run its type casting template machinery on it.

This is useful when trying to register a binding for T that is simultaneously also covered by an existing type caster.

This macro should be used at the top level (outside of namespaces and program code).

Python object API

Nanobind ships with a wide range of Python wrapper classes like object, list, etc. Besides class-specific operations (e.g., list::append()), these classes also implement core operations that can be performed on any Python object. Since it would be tedious to implement this functionality over and over again, it is realized by the following mixin class that lives in the nanobind::detail namespace.

template<typename Derived>
class api

This mixin class adds common functionality to various nanobind types using the curiously recurring template pattern (CRTP). The only requirement for the Derived template parameter is that it implements the member function PyObject *ptr() const that gives access to the underlying Python object pointer.

Derived &derived()

Obtain a mutable reference to the derived class.

const Derived &derived() const

Obtain a const reference to the derived class.

handle inc_ref() const

Increases the reference count and returns a reference to the Python object.

handle dec_ref() const

Decreases the reference count and returns a reference to the Python object.

iterator begin() const

Return a forward iterator analogous to iter() in Python. The object must be a collection that supports the iteration protocol. This interface provides a generic iterator that works any type of Python object. The tuple, list, and dict wrappers provide more efficient specialized alternatives.

iterator end() const

Return a sentinel that ends the iteration.

handle type() const

Return a handle to the underlying Python type object.

operator handle() const

Return a handle wrapping the underlying PyObject* pointer.

detail::accessor<obj_attr> attr(handle key) const

Analogous to self.key in Python, where key is a Python object. The result is wrapped in an accessor so that it can be read and written.

detail::accessor<str_attr> attr(const char *key) const

Analogous to self.key in Python, where key is a C-style string. The result is wrapped in an accessor so that it can be read and written.

detail::accessor<str_attr> doc() const

Analogous to self.__doc__. The result is wrapped in an accessor so that it can be read and written.

detail::accessor<obj_item> operator[](handle key) const

Analogous to self[key] in Python, where key is a Python object. The result is wrapped in an accessor so that it can be read and written.

detail::accessor<str_item> operator[](const char *key) const

Analogous to self[key] in Python, where key is a C-style string. The result is wrapped in an accessor so that it can be read and written.

template<typename T, enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic_v<T>> = 1>
detail::accessor<num_item> operator[](T key) const

Analogous to self[key] in Python, where key is an arithmetic type (e.g., an integer). The result is wrapped in an accessor so that it can be read and written.

template<rv_policy policy = rv_policy::automatic_reference, typename ...Args>
object operator()(Args&&... args) const

Assuming the Python object is a function or implements the __call__ protocol, operator()() invokes the underlying function, passing an arbitrary set of parameters, while expanding any detected variable length argument and keyword argument packs. The result is returned as an object and may need to be converted back into a Python object using cast().

Type conversion is performed using the return value policy policy

When type conversion of arguments or return value fails, the function raises a cast_error. When the Python function call fails, it instead raises a python_error.

args_proxy operator*() const

Given a a tuple or list, this helper function performs variable argument list unpacking in function calls resembling the * operator in Python. Applying operator*() twice yields ** keyword argument unpacking for dictionaries.

bool is(handle value) const

Analogous to self is value in Python.

bool is_none() const

Analogous to self is None in Python.

bool is_type() const

Analogous to isinstance(self, type) in Python.

bool is_valid() const

Checks if this wrapper contains a valid Python object (in the sense that the PyObject * pointer is non-null).

template<typename T>
bool equal(const api<T> &other)

Equivalent to self == other in Python.

template<typename T>
bool not_equal(const api<T> &other)

Equivalent to self != other in Python.

template<typename T>
bool operator<(const api<T> &other)

Equivalent to self < other in Python.

template<typename T>
bool operator<=(const api<T> &other)

Equivalent to self <= other in Python.

template<typename T>
bool operator>(const api<T> &other)

Equivalent to self > other in Python.

template<typename T>
bool operator>=(const api<T> &other)

Equivalent to self >= other in Python.

object operator-()

Equivalent to -self in Python.

object operator~()

Equivalent to ~self in Python.

template<typename T>
object operator+(const api<T> &other)

Equivalent to self + other in Python.

template<typename T>
object operator-(const api<T> &other)

Equivalent to self - other in Python.

template<typename T>
object operator*(const api<T> &other)

Equivalent to self * other in Python.

template<typename T>
object operator/(const api<T> &other)

Equivalent to self / other in Python.

template<typename T>
object floor_div(const api<T> &other)

Equivalent to self // other in Python.

template<typename T>
object operator|(const api<T> &other)

Equivalent to self | other in Python.

template<typename T>
object operator&(const api<T> &other)

Equivalent to self & other in Python.

template<typename T>
object operator^(const api<T> &other)

Equivalent to self ^ other in Python.

template<typename T>
object operator<<(const api<T> &other)

Equivalent to self << other in Python.

template<typename T>
object operator>>(const api<T> &other)

Equivalent to self >> other in Python.

template<typename T>
object operator+=(const api<T> &other)

Equivalent to self += other in Python. Note that the api version of the in-place operator does not update the self reference, which may lead to unexpected results when working with immutable types that return their result instead of updating self.

The object class and subclasses override the in-place operators to achieve more intuitive behavior.

template<typename T>
object operator-=(const api<T> &other)

Equivalent to self -= other in Python. See operator+=() for limitations.

template<typename T>
object operator*=(const api<T> &other)

Equivalent to self *= other in Python. See operator+=() for limitations.

template<typename T>
object operator/=(const api<T> &other)

Equivalent to self /= other in Python. See operator+=() for limitations.

template<typename T>
object operator|=(const api<T> &other)

Equivalent to self |= other in Python. See operator+=() for limitations.

template<typename T>
object operator&=(const api<T> &other)

Equivalent to self &= other in Python. See operator+=() for limitations.

template<typename T>
object operator^=(const api<T> &other)

Equivalent to self ^= other in Python. See operator+=() for limitations.

template<typename T>
object operator<<=(const api<T> &other)

Equivalent to self <<= other in Python. See operator+=() for limitations.

template<typename T>
object operator>>=(const api<T> &other)

Equivalent to self >>= other in Python. See operator+=() for limitations.

template<typename Impl>
class accessor

This helper class facilitates attribute and item access. Casting an accessor to a handle or object subclass causes a corresponding call to __getitem__ or __getattr__ depending on the template argument Impl. Assigning a handle or object subclass causes a call to __setitem__ or __setattr__.

Handles and objects

nanobind provides two styles of Python object wrappers: classes without reference counting deriving from handle, and reference-counted wrappers deriving from object. Reference counting bugs can be really tricky to track down, hence it is recommended that you always prefer object-style wrappers unless there are specific reasons that warrant the use of raw handles.

Without reference counting

class handle : public detail::api<handle>

This class provides a thin wrapper around a raw PyObject * pointer. Its main purpose is to intercept various C++ operations and convert them into Python C API calls. It does not do any reference counting and can be somewhat unsafe to use.

handle() = default

Default constructor. Creates an invalid handle wrapping a null pointer. (detail::api::is_valid() is false)

handle(const handle&) = default

Default copy constructor.

handle(handle&&) = default

Default move constructor.

handle(const PyObject *o)

Initialize a handle from a Python object pointer. Does not change the reference count of o.

handle(const PyTypeObject *o)

Initialize a handle from a Python type object pointer. Does not change the reference count of o.

handle &operator=(const handle&) = default

Default copy assignment operator.

handle &operator=(handle&&) = default

Default move assignment operator.

explicit operator bool() const

Check if the handle refers to a valid Python object. Equivalent to detail::api::is_valid()

handle inc_ref() const noexcept

Increases the reference count and returns a reference to the Python object. Never raises an exception.

handle dec_ref() const noexcept

Decreases the reference count and returns a reference to the Python object. Never raises an exception.

PyObject *ptr() const

Return the underlying PyObject* pointer.

With reference counting

class object : public handle

This class provides a convenient RAII wrapper around a PyObject* pointer. Like handle, it intercepts various C++ operations and converts them into Python C API calls.

The main difference to handle is that it uses reference counting to keep the underlying Python object alive.

Use the borrow() and steal() functions to create an object from a handle or PyObject* pointer.

object() = default

Default constructor. Creates an invalid object wrapping a null pointer. (detail::api::is_valid() is false)

object(object &&o)

Move constructor. Steals the object from o without changing its reference count.

object(const object &o)

Copy constructor. Acquires a new reference to o (if valid).


Decrease the reference count of the referenced Python object (if valid).

object &operator=(object &&o)

Move assignment operator. Decreases the reference count of the currently held object (if valid) and steals the object from o without changing its reference count.

object &operator=(const object &o)

Copy assignment operator. Decreases the reference count of the currently held object (if valid) and acquires a new reference to the object o (if valid).

void reset()

Decreases the reference count of the currently held object (if valid) and resets the internal pointer to nullptr.

handle release()

Resets the internal pointer to nullptr and returns its previous contents as a handle. This operation does not change the object’s reference count and should be used carefully.

template<typename T>
object &operator+=(const api<T> &other)

Equivalent to self += other in Python.

template<typename T>
object &operator-=(const api<T> &other)

Equivalent to self -= other in Python.

template<typename T>
object &operator*=(const api<T> &other)

Equivalent to self *= other in Python.

template<typename T>
object &operator/=(const api<T> &other)

Equivalent to self /= other in Python.

template<typename T>
object &operator|=(const api<T> &other)

Equivalent to self |= other in Python.

template<typename T>
object &operator&=(const api<T> &other)

Equivalent to self &= other in Python.

template<typename T>
object &operator^=(const api<T> &other)

Equivalent to self ^= other in Python.

template<typename T>
object &operator<<=(const api<T> &other)

Equivalent to self <<= other in Python.

template<typename T>
object &operator>>=(const api<T> &other)

Equivalent to self >>= other in Python.

template<typename T = object>
T borrow(handle h)

Create a reference-counted Python object wrapper of type T from a raw handle or PyObject * pointer. The target type T must be object (the default) or one of its derived classes. The function does not perform any conversions or checks—it is up to the user to make sure that the target type is correct.

The function borrows a reference, which means that it will increase the reference count while constructing T.

For example, consider the Python C API function PyList_GetItem(), whose documentation states that it returns a borrowed reference. An interface between this API and nanobind could look as follows:

PyObject* list = ...;
Py_ssize_t index = ...;
nb::object o = nb::borrow(PyList_GetItem(obj, index));

Using steal() in this setting is incorrect and would lead to a reference underflow.

template<typename T = object>
T steal(handle h)

Create a reference-counted Python object wrapper of type T from a raw handle or PyObject * pointer. The target type T must be object (the default) or one of its derived classes. The function does not perform any conversions or checks—it is up to the user to make sure that the target type is correct.

The function steals a reference, which means that constructing T leaves the object’s reference count unchanged.

For example, consider the Python C API function PyObject_Str(), whose documentation states that it returns a new reference. An interface between this API and nanobind could look as follows:

PyObject* value = ...;
nb::object o = nb::steal(PyObject_Str(value));

Using borrow() in this setting is incorrect and would lead to a reference leak.

Attribute access

bool hasattr(handle h, const char *key) noexcept

Check if the given object has an attribute string key. The function never raises an exception and returns false in case of an internal error.

Equivalent to hasattr(h, key) in Python.

bool hasattr(handle h, handle key) noexcept

Check if the given object has a attribute represented by the Python object key. The function never raises an exception and returns false in case of an internal error.

Equivalent to hasattr(h, key) in Python.

object getattr(handle h, const char *key)

Equivalent to h.key and getattr(h, key) in Python. Raises python_error if the operation fails.

object getattr(handle h, handle key)

Equivalent to h.key and getattr(h, key) in Python. Raises python_error if the operation fails.

object getattr(handle h, const char *key, handle def) noexcept

Equivalent to getattr(h, key, def) in Python. Never raises an exception and returns def when the operation fails, or when the desired attribute could not be found.

object getattr(handle h, handle key, handle def) noexcept

Equivalent to getattr(h, key, def) in Python. Never raises an exception and returns def when the operation fails, or when the desired attribute could not be found.

void setattr(handle h, const char *key, handle value)

Equivalent to h.key = value and setattr(h, key, value) in Python. Raises python_error if the operation fails.

void setattr(handle h, handle key, handle value)

Equivalent to h.key = value and setattr(h, key, value) in Python. Raises python_error if the operation fails.

void delattr(handle h, const char *key)

Equivalent to del h.key and delattr(h, key) in Python. Raises python_error if the operation fails.

void delattr(handle h, handle key)

Equivalent to del h.key and delattr(h, key) in Python. Raises python_error if the operation fails.

template<typename T>
void del(detail::accessor<T>&)

Remove an element from a sequence or mapping. The C++ statement


is equivalent to del o[key] in Python.

When the element cannot be removed, the function will raise python_error wrapping either a Python IndexError (for sequence types) or a KeyError (for mapping types).

template<typename T>
void del(detail::accessor<T>&&)

Rvalue equivalent of the above expression.

Size queries

size_t len(handle h)

Equivalent to len(h) in Python. Raises python_error if the operation fails.

size_t len(const tuple &t)

Equivalent to len(t) in Python. Optimized variant for tuples.

size_t len(const list &l)

Equivalent to len(l) in Python. Optimized variant for lists.

size_t len(const dict &d)

Equivalent to len(d) in Python. Optimized variant for dictionaries.

size_t len(const set &d)

Equivalent to len(d) in Python. Optimized variant for sets.

size_t len_hint(handle h)

Equivalent to operator.length_hint(h) in Python. Raises python_error if the operation fails.

Type queries

template<typename T>
isinstance(handle h)

Checks if the Python object h represents a valid instance of the C++ type T. This works for bound C++ classes, basic types (int, bool, etc.), and Python type wrappers ( list, dict, module_, etc.).

Note: the check even works when T involves a type caster (e.g., an STL types like std::vector<float>). However, this involve a wasteful attempt to convert the object to C++. It may be more efficient to just perform the conversion using cast() and catch potential raised exceptions.

isinstance(handle inst, handle cls)

Checks if the Python object inst is an instance of the Python type cls.

template<typename T>
handle type() noexcept

Returns the Python type object associated with the C++ type T. When the type not been bound via nanobind, the function returns an invalid handle (detail::api::is_valid() is false).

Note: in contrast to the isinstance() function above, builtin types, type wrappers, and types handled using type casters, are not supported.

Wrapper classes

class tuple : public object

Wrapper class representing Python tuple instances.

Use the standard operator[] C++ operator with an integer argument to read tuple elements (the bindings for this operator are provided by the parent class and not listed here). Once created, the set is immutable and its elements cannot be replaced.

Use the make_tuple() function to create new tuples.


Create an empty tuple

tuple(handle h)

Attempt to convert a given Python object into a tuple. Analogous to the expression tuple(h) in Python.

size_t size() const

Return the number of tuple elements.

detail::fast_iterator begin() const

Return a forward iterator analogous to iter() in Python. The function overrides a generic version in detail::api and is more efficient for tuples.

detail::fast_iterator end() const

Return a sentinel that ends the iteration.

template<typename T, enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic_v<T>> = 1>
detail::accessor<num_item_tuple> operator[](T key) const

Analogous to self[key] in Python, where key is an arithmetic type (e.g., an integer). The result is wrapped in an accessor so that it can be read and converted. Write access is not possible.

The function overrides the generic version in detail::api and is more efficient for tuples.

class list : public object

Wrapper class representing Python list instances.

Use the standard operator[] C++ operator with an integer argument to read and write list elements (the bindings for this operator are provided by the parent class and not listed here).

Use the nb::del function to remove elements.


Create an empty list

list(handle h)

Attempt to convert a given Python object into a list. Analogous to the expression list(h) in Python.

size_t size() const

Return the number of list elements.

template<typename T>
void append(T &&value)

Append an element to the list. When T does not already represent a wrapped Python object, the function performs a cast.

template<typename T>
void insert(Py_ssize_t index, T &&value)

Insert an element to the list (at index index, which may also be negative). When T does not already represent a wrapped Python object, the function performs a cast.

void clear()

Clear the list entries.

void extend(handle h)

Analogous to the .extend(h) method of list in Python.

void sort()

Analogous to the .sort() method of list in Python.

void reverse()

Analogous to the .reverse() method of list in Python.

template<typename T, enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic_v<T>> = 1>
detail::accessor<num_item_list> operator[](T key) const

Analogous to self[key] in Python, where key is an arithmetic type (e.g., an integer). The result is wrapped in an accessor so that it can be read and written.

The function overrides the generic version in detail::api and is more efficient for lists.

detail::fast_iterator begin() const

Return a forward iterator analogous to iter() in Python. The operator provided here overrides the generic version in detail::api and is more efficient for lists.

detail::fast_iterator end() const

Return a sentinel that ends the iteration.

class dict : public object

Wrapper class representing Python dict instances.

Use the standard operator[] C++ operator to read and write dictionary elements (the bindings for this operator are provided by the parent class and not listed here).

Use the nb::del function to remove elements.


Create an empty dictionary

size_t size() const

Return the number of dictionary elements.

template<typename T>
bool contains(T &&key) const

Check whether the dictionary contains a particular key. When T does not already represent a wrapped Python object, the function performs a cast.

detail::dict_iterator begin() const

Return an item iterator that returns std::pair<handle, handle> key-value pairs analogous to iter(dict.items()) in Python.

In free-threaded Python, the :cpp:class:detail::dict_iterator class acquires a lock to the underlying dictionary to enable the use of the efficient but thread-unsafe PyDict_Next() Python C traversal routine.

detail::dict_iterator end() const

Return a sentinel that ends the iteration.

list keys() const

Return a list containing all dictionary keys.

list values() const

Return a list containing all dictionary values.

list items() const

Return a list containing all dictionary items as (key, value) pairs.

void clear()

Clear the contents of the dictionary.

void update(handle h)

Analogous to the .update(h) method of dict in Python.

class set : public object

Wrapper class representing Python set instances.


Create an empty set

set(handle h)

Attempt to convert a given Python object into a set. Analogous to the expression set(h) in Python.

size_t size() const

Return the number of set elements.

template<typename T>
void add(T &&key)

Add a key to the set. When T does not already represent a wrapped Python object, the function performs a cast.

template<typename T>
bool contains(T &&key) const

Check whether the set contains a particular key. When T does not already represent a wrapped Python object, the function performs a cast.

void clear()

Clear the contents of the set.

template<typename T>
bool discard(T &&key)

Analogous to the .discard(h) method of the set type in Python. Returns true if the item was deleted successfully, and false if the value was not present. When T does not already represent a wrapped Python object, the function performs a cast.

class module_ : public object

Wrapper class representing Python module instances. The underscore at the end disambiguates the class name from the C++20 module declaration.

template<typename Func, typename ...Extra>
module_ &def(const char *name, Func &&f, const Extra&... extra)

Bind the function f to the identifier name within the module. Returns a reference to *this so that longer sequences of binding declarations can be chained, as in m.def(...).def(...);. The variable length extra parameter can be used to pass docstrings and other function binding annotations.

Example syntax:

void test() { printf("Hello world!"); }

NB_MODULE(example, m) {
    // here, "m" is variable of type 'module_'.
    m.def("test", &test, "A test function")
     .def(...); // more binding declarations
module_ import_(const char *name)

Import the Python module with the specified name and return a reference to it. The underscore at the end disambiguates the function name from the C++20 import statement.

Example usage:

nb::module_ np = nb::module_::import_("numpy");
nb::object np_array = np.attr("array");
module_ import_(handle name)

Import the Python module with the specified name and return a reference to it. In contrast to the version above, this function expects a Python object as key.

module_ def_submodule(const char *name, const char *doc = nullptr)

Create a Python submodule within an existing module and return a reference to it. Can be chained recursively.

Example usage:

NB_MODULE(example, m) {
    nb::module_ m2 = m.def_submodule("sub", "A submodule of 'example'");
    nb::module_ m3 = m2.def_submodule("subsub", "A submodule of 'example.sub'");
class capsule : public object

Capsules are small opaque Python objects that wrap a C or C++ pointer and a cleanup routine.

capsule(const void *ptr, void (*cleanup)(void*) noexcept = nullptr)

Construct an unnamed capsule wrapping the pointer p. When the capsule is garbage collected, Python will call the destructor cleanup (if provided) with the value of p.

capsule(const void *ptr, const char *name, void (*cleanup)(void*) noexcept = nullptr)

Construct a named capsule with name name wrapping the pointer p. When the capsule is garbage collected, Python will call the destructor cleanup (if provided) with the value of p.

const char *name() const

Return the capsule name (or nullptr when the capsule is unnamed)

void *data() const

Return the pointer wrapped by the capsule.

class bool_ : public object

This wrapper class represents Python bool instances.

bool_(handle h)

Performs a boolean cast within Python. This is equivalent to the Python expression bool(h).

explicit bool_(bool value)

Convert an C++ boolean instance into a Python bool.

explicit operator bool() const

Extract the boolean value underlying this object.

class int_ : public object

This wrapper class represents Python int instances. It can handle large numbers requiring more than 64 bits of storage.

int_(handle h)

Performs an integer cast within Python. This is equivalent to the Python expression int(h).

template<typename T, detail::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic_v<T>> = 0>
explicit int_(T value)

Convert an C++ arithmetic type into a Python integer.

template<typename T, detail::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic_v<T>> = 0>
explicit operator T() const

Convert a Python integer into a C++ arithmetic type.

class float_ : public object

This wrapper class represents Python float instances.

float_(handle h)

Performs an floating point cast within Python. This is equivalent to the Python expression float(h).

explicit float_(double value)

Convert an C++ double value into a Python float objecct

explicit operator double() const

Convert a Python float object into a C++ double value

class str : public object

This wrapper class represents Python unicode str instances.

str(handle h)

Performs a string cast within Python. This is equivalent equivalent to the Python expression str(h).

str(const char *s)

Convert a null-terminated C-style string in UTF-8 encoding into a Python string.

str(const char *s, size_t n)

Convert a C-style string in UTF-8 encoding of length n bytes into a Python string.

const char *c_str() const

Convert a Python string into a null-terminated C-style string with UTF-8 encoding.

Note: The C string will be deleted when the str instance is garbage collected.

template<typename ...Args>
str format(Args&&... args)

C++ analog of the Python routine str.format. Can be called with positional and keyword arguments.

class bytes : public object

This wrapper class represents Python unicode bytes instances.

bytes(handle h)

Performs a cast within Python. This is equivalent to the Python expression bytes(h).

bytes(const char *s)

Convert a null-terminated C-style string encoding into a Python bytes object.

bytes(const void *buf, size_t n)

Convert a byte buffer buf of length n bytes into a Python bytes object. The buffer can contain embedded null bytes.

const char *c_str() const

Convert a Python bytes object into a null-terminated C-style string.

size_t size() const

Return the size in bytes.

const void *data() const

Convert a Python bytes object into a byte buffer of length bytes::size() bytes.

class bytearray : public object

This wrapper class represents Python bytearray instances.


Create an empty bytearray.

bytearray(handle h)

Performs a cast within Python. This is equivalent to the Python expression bytearray(h).

bytearray(const void *buf, size_t n)

Convert a byte buffer buf of length n bytes into a Python bytearray object. The buffer can contain embedded null bytes.

const char *c_str() const

Convert a Python bytearray object into a null-terminated C-style string.

size_t size() const

Return the size in bytes.

void *data()

Convert a Python bytearray object into a byte buffer of length bytearray::size() bytes.

const void *data() const

Convert a Python bytearray object into a byte buffer of length bytearray::size() bytes.

void resize(size_t n)

Resize the internal buffer of a Python bytearray object to n. Any space added by this method, which calls PyByteArray_Resize, will not be initialized and may contain random data.

class type_object : public object

Wrapper class representing Python type instances.

class sequence : public object

Wrapper class representing arbitrary Python sequence types.

class mapping : public object

Wrapper class representing arbitrary Python mapping types.

template<typename T>
bool contains(T &&key) const

Check whether the map contains a particular key. When T does not already represent a wrapped Python object, the function performs a cast.

list keys() const

Return a list containing all of the map’s keys.

list values() const

Return a list containing all of the map’s values.

list items() const

Return a list containing all of the map’s items as (key, value) pairs.

class iterator : public object

Wrapper class representing a Python iterator.

iterator &operator++()

Advance to the next element (pre-increment form).

iterator &operator++(int)

Advance to the next element (post-increment form).

handle operator*() const

Return the item at the current position.

handle operator->() const

Convenience routine for pointer-style access.

friend bool operator==(const iterator &a, const iterator &b);

Iterator equality comparison operator.

friend bool operator!=(const iterator &a, const iterator &b);

Iterator inequality comparison operator.

class iterable : public object

Wrapper class representing an object that can be iterated upon (in the sense that calling iter() is valid).

class slice : public object

Wrapper class representing a Python slice object.

slice(handle start, handle stop, handle step)

Create the slice object given by slice(start, stop, step) in Python.

template<typename T, detail::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic_v<T>> = 0>
slice(T stop)

Create the slice object slice(stop), where stop is represented by a C++ integer type.

template<typename T, detail::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic_v<T>> = 0>
slice(T start, T stop)

Create the slice object slice(start, stop), where start and stop are represented by a C++ integer type.

template<typename T, detail::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic_v<T>> = 0>
slice(T start, T stop, T step)

Create the slice object slice(start, stop, step), where start, stop, and step are represented by a C++ integer type.

detail::tuple<Py_ssize_t, Py_ssize_t, Py_ssize_t, size_t> compute(size_t size) const

Adjust the slice to the size value of a given container. Returns a tuple containing (start, stop, step, slice_length).

class ellipsis : public object

Wrapper class representing a Python ellipsis (...) object.


Create a wrapper referencing the unique Python Ellipsis object.

class not_implemented : public object

Wrapper class representing a Python NotImplemented object.


Create a wrapper referencing the unique Python NotImplemented object.

class callable : public object

Wrapper class representing a callable Python object.

class weakref : public object

Wrapper class representing a Python weak reference object.

explicit weakref(handle obj, handle callback = {})

Construct a new weak reference that points to obj. If provided, Python will invoke the callable callback when obj expires.

class args : public tuple

Variable argument keyword list for use in function argument declarations.

class kwargs : public dict

Variable keyword argument keyword list for use in function argument declarations.

class any : public object

This wrapper class represents Python typing.Any-typed values. On the C++ end, this type is interchangeable with object. The only difference is the type signature when used in function arguments and return values.

Parameterized wrapper classes

template<typename T>
class handle_t : public handle

Wrapper class representing a handle to a subclass of the C++ type T. It can be used to bind functions that take the associated Python object in its wrapped form, while rejecting objects with a different type (i.e., it is more discerning than handle, which accepts any Python object).

// Bind the class A
class A { int value; };
nb::class_<A>(m, "A");

// Bind a function that takes a Python object representing a 'A' instance
m.def("process_a", [](nb::handle_t<A> h) {
   PyObject * a_py = h.ptr();   // PyObject* pointer to wrapper
   A &a_cpp = nb::cast<A &>(h); // Reference to C++ instance
template<typename T>
class type_object_t : public type_object

Wrapper class representing a Python type object that is a subtype of the C++ type T. It can be used to bind functions that only accept type objects satisfying this criterion (i.e., it is more discerning than type_object, which accepts any Python type object).

Error management

nanobind provides a range of functionality to convert C++ exceptions into equivalent Python exceptions and raise captured Python error state in C++. The exception class is also relevant in this context, but is listed in the reference section on class binding.

struct error_scope

RAII helper class that temporarily stashes any existing Python error status. This is important when running Python code in the context of an existing failure that must be processed (e.g., to generate an error message).


Stash the current error status (if any)


Restore the stashed error status (if any)

struct python_error : public std::exception

Exception that represents a detected Python error status.


This constructor may only be called when a Python error has occurred (PyErr_Occurred() must be true). It creates a C++ exception object that represents this error and clears the Python error status.

python_error(const python_error&)

Copy constructor

python_error(python_error&&) noexcept

Move constructor

const char *what() noexcept

Return a stringified version of the exception. nanobind internally normalizes the exception and generates a traceback that is included as part of this string. This can be a relatively costly operation and should only be used if all of this detail is actually needed.

bool matches(handle exc) noexcept

Checks whether the exception has the same type as exc.

The argument to this function is usually one of the Standard Exceptions.

void restore() noexcept

Restore the error status in Python and clear the python_error contents. This may only be called once, and you should not reraise the python_error in C++ afterward.

void discard_as_unraisable(handle context) noexcept

Pass the error to Python’s sys.unraisablehook(), which prints a traceback to sys.stderr by default but may be overridden. Like restore(), this consumes the error and you should not reraise the exception in C++ afterward.

The context argument should be some object whose repr() helps identify the location of the error. The default sys.unraisablehook() prints a traceback that begins with the text Exception ignored in: followed by the result of repr(context).

Example use case: handling a Python error that occurs in a C++ destructor where you cannot raise a C++ exception.

void discard_as_unraisable(const char *context) noexcept

Convenience wrapper around the above function, which takes a C-style string for the context argument.

handle type() const

Returns a handle to the exception type

handle value() const

Returns a handle to the exception value

object traceback() const

Returns a handle to the exception’s traceback object

class cast_error

The function cast() raises this exception to indicate that a cast was unsuccessful.



class next_overload

Raising this special exception from a bound function informs nanobind that the function overload detected incompatible inputs. nanobind will then try other overloads before reporting a TypeError.

This feature is useful when a multiple overloads of a function accept overlapping or identical input types (e.g. object) and must run code at runtime to select the right overload.

You should probably write a thorough docstring that explicitly mentions the expected inputs in this case, since the behavior won’t be obvious from the auto-generated function signature. It can be frustrating when a function call fails with an error message stating that the provided arguments aren’t compatible with any overload, when the associated error message suggests otherwise.



class builtin_exception : public std::runtime_error

General-purpose class to propagate builtin Python exceptions from C++. A number of convenience functions (see below) instantiate it.

builtin_exception stop_iteration(const char *what = nullptr)

Convenience wrapper to create a builtin_exception C++ exception instance that nanobind will re-raise as a Python StopIteration exception when it crosses the C++ ↔ Python interface.

builtin_exception index_error(const char *what = nullptr)

Convenience wrapper to create a builtin_exception C++ exception instance that nanobind will re-raise as a Python IndexError exception when it crosses the C++ ↔ Python interface.

builtin_exception key_error(const char *what = nullptr)

Convenience wrapper to create a builtin_exception C++ exception instance that nanobind will re-raise as a Python KeyError exception when it crosses the C++ ↔ Python interface.

builtin_exception value_error(const char *what = nullptr)

Convenience wrapper to create a builtin_exception C++ exception instance that nanobind will re-raise as a Python ValueError exception when it crosses the C++ ↔ Python interface.

builtin_exception type_error(const char *what = nullptr)

Convenience wrapper to create a builtin_exception C++ exception instance that nanobind will re-raise as a Python TypeError exception when it crosses the C++ ↔ Python interface.

builtin_exception buffer_error(const char *what = nullptr)

Convenience wrapper to create a builtin_exception C++ exception instance that nanobind will re-raise as a Python BufferError exception when it crosses the C++ ↔ Python interface.

builtin_exception import_error(const char *what = nullptr)

Convenience wrapper to create a builtin_exception C++ exception instance that nanobind will re-raise as a Python ImportError exception when it crosses the C++ ↔ Python interface.

builtin_exception attribute_error(const char *what = nullptr)

Convenience wrapper to create a builtin_exception C++ exception instance that nanobind will re-raise as a Python AttributeError exception when it crosses the C++ ↔ Python interface.

void register_exception_translator(void (*exception_translator)(const std::exception_ptr&, void*), void *payload = nullptr)

Install an exception translator callback that will be invoked whenever nanobind’s function call dispatcher catches a previously unknown C++ exception. This exception translator should follow a standard structure of re-throwing an exception, catching a specific type, and converting this into a Python error status upon “success”.

Here is an example for a hypothetical ZeroDivisionException.

    [](const std::exception_ptr &p, void * /*payload*/) {
        try {
        } catch (const ZeroDivisionException &e) {
            PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ZeroDivisionError, e.what());
    }, nullptr /*payload*/);

Generally, you will want to use the more convenient exception binding interface provided by exception class. This function provides an escape hatch for more specialized use cases.

void chain_error(handle type, const char *fmt, ...) noexcept

Raise a Python error of type type using the format string fmt interpreted by PyErr_FormatV.

If a Python error state was already set prior to calling this method, then the new error is chained on top of the existing one. Otherwise, the function creates a new error without initializing its __cause__ field.

void raise_from(python_error &e, handle type, const char *fmt, ...)

Convenience wrapper around chain_error. It takes an existing Python error (e.g. caught in a catch block) and creates an additional Python exception with the current error as cause. It then re-raises python_error. The argument fmt is a printf-style format string interpreted by PyErr_FormatV.

Usage of this function is explained in the documentation section on exception chaining.

void raise(const char *fmt, ...)

This function takes a printf-style format string with arguments and then raises a std::runtime_error with the formatted string. The function has no dependence on Python, and nanobind merely includes it for convenience.

void raise_type_error(const char *fmt, ...)

This function is analogous to raise(), except that it raises a builtin_exception that will convert into a Python TypeError when crossing the language interface.

void raise_python_error()

This function should only be called if a Python error status was set by a prior operation, which should now be raised as a C++ exception. The function is analogous to the statement throw python_error(); but compiles into more compact code.


template<typename T, typename Derived>
T cast(const detail::api<Derived> &value, bool convert = true)

Convert the Python object value (typically a handle or a object subclass) into a C++ object of type T.

When the convert argument is set to true (the default), the implementation may also attempt implicit conversions to perform the cast.

The function raises a cast_error when the conversion fails. See try_cast() for an alternative that never raises.

template<typename T, typename Derived>
bool try_cast(const detail::api<Derived> &value, T &out, bool convert = true) noexcept

Convert the Python object value (typically a handle or a object subclass) into a C++ object of type T, and store it in the output parameter out.

When the convert argument is set to true (the default), the implementation may also attempt implicit conversions to perform the cast.

The function returns false when the conversion fails. In this case, the out parameter is left untouched. See cast() for an alternative that instead raises an exception in this case.

template<typename T>
object cast(T &&value, rv_policy policy = rv_policy::automatic_reference)

Convert the C++ object value into a Python object. The return value policy policy is used to handle ownership-related questions when a new Python object must be created.

The function raises a cast_error when the conversion fails.

template<typename T>
object cast(T &&value, rv_policy policy, handle parent)

Convert the C++ object value into a Python object. The return value policy policy is used to handle ownership-related questions when a new Python object must be created. A valid parent object is required when specifying a reference_internal return value policy.

The function raises a cast_error when the conversion fails.

template<typename T>
object find(const T &value) noexcept

Return the Python object associated with the C++ instance value. When no such object can be found, the function it returns an invalid object (detail::api::is_valid() is false).

template<rv_policy policy = rv_policy::automatic, typename ...Args>
tuple make_tuple(Args&&... args)

Create a Python tuple from a sequence of C++ objects args.... The return value policy policy is used to handle ownership-related questions when a new Python objects must be created.

The function raises a cast_error when the conversion fails.

Common binding annotations

The following annotations can be specified in both function and class bindings.

struct scope
scope(handle value)

Captures the Python scope (e.g., a module_ or type_object) in which the function or class should be registered.

Function binding annotations

The following annotations can be specified using the variable-length Extra parameter of module_::def(), class_::def(), cpp_function(), etc.

struct name
name(const char *value)

Specify this annotation to override the name of the function.

nanobind will internally copy the string when creating a function binding, hence dynamically generated arguments with a limited lifetime are legal.

struct arg

Function argument annotation to enable keyword-based calling, default arguments, passing None, and implicit conversion hints. Note that when a function argument should be annotated, you must specify annotations for all arguments of that function.

Example use:

m.def("add", [](int a, int b) { return a + b; }, nb::arg("a"), nb::arg("b"));

It is usually convenient to add the following using declaration to your binding code.

using namespace nb::literals;

In this case, the argument annotations can be shortened:

m.def("add", [](int a, int b) { return a + b; }, "a"_a, "b"_a);
explicit arg(const char *name = nullptr)

Create a function argument annotation. The name is optional.

template<typename T>
arg_v operator=(T &&value) const

Return an argument annotation that is like this one but also assigns a default value to the argument. The default will be converted into a Python object immediately, so its bindings must have already been defined.

arg &none(bool value = true)

Set a flag noting that the function argument accepts None. Can only be used for python wrapper types (e.g. handle, int_) and types that have been bound using class_. You cannot use this to implement functions that accept null pointers to builtin C++ types like int *i = nullptr.

arg &noconvert(bool value = true)

Set a flag noting that implicit conversion should never be performed for this function argument.

arg &sig(const char *sig)

Override the signature of the default argument value. This is useful when the argument value is unusually complex so that the default method to explain it in docstrings and stubs (str(value)) does not produce acceptable output.

arg_locked lock()

Return an argument annotation that is like this one but also requests that this argument be locked when dispatching a function call in free-threaded Python extensions. It does nothing in regular GIL-protected extensions.

struct is_method

Indicate that the bound function is a method.

struct is_operator

Indicate that the bound operator represents a special double underscore method (__add__, __radd__, etc.) that implements an arithmetic operation.

When a bound functions with this annotation is called with incompatible arguments, it will return NotImplemented rather than raising a TypeError.

struct is_implicit

Indicate that the bound constructor can be used to perform implicit conversions.

struct lock_self

Indicate that the implicit self argument of a method should be locked when dispatching a call in a free-threaded extension. This annotation does nothing in regular GIL-protected extensions.

template<typename ...Ts>
struct call_guard

Invoke the call guard(s) Ts when the bound function executes. The RAII helper gil_scoped_release is often combined with this feature.

template<size_t Nurse, size_t Patient>
struct keep_alive

Following evaluation of the bound function, keep the object referenced by index Patient alive as long as the object with index Nurse exists. This uses the following indexing convention:

  • Index 0 refers to the return value of methods. It should not be used in constructors or functions that do not return a result.

  • Index 1 refers to the first argument. In methods and constructors, index 1 refers to the implicit this pointer, while regular arguments begin at index 2.

The annotation has the following runtime characteristics:

  • It does nothing when the nurse or patient object are None.

  • It raises an exception when the nurse object is neither weak-referenceable nor an instance of a binding created via nb::class_<..>.

Two additional caveats regarding keep_alive are noteworthy:

  • It usually doesn’t make sense to specify a Nurse or Patient for an argument or return value handled by a type caster (e.g., a STL vector handled via the include directive #include <nanobind/stl/vector.h>). That’s because type casters copy-convert the Python object into an equivalent C++ object, whose lifetime is decoupled from the original Python object. However, the keep_alive annotation only affects the lifetime of Python objects and not their C++ copy.

  • Dispatching a Python → C++ function call may require the implicit conversion of function arguments. In this case, the objects passed to the C++ function differ from the originally specified arguments. The Nurse and Patient annotation always refer to the final object following implicit conversion.

struct sig
sig(const char *value)

This is both a class and a function binding annotation.

  1. When used in functions bindings, it provides complete control over the function’s type signature by replacing the automatically generated version with value. You can use it to add or change arguments and return values, tweak how default values are rendered, and add custom decorators.

    Here is an example:

    nb::def("function_name", &function_name,
                "def function_name(arg_1: type_1 = def_1, ...) -> ret"
  2. When used in class bindings, the annotation enables complete control over how the class is rendered by nanobind’s stubgen program. You can use it add decorators, specify typing.TypeVar-parameterized base classes, metaclasses, etc.

    Here is an example:

    nb::class_<Class>(m, "Class",
                          "class Class(Base1[T], Base2, meta=Meta)"

Deviating significantly from the nanobind-generated signature likely means that the class or function declaration is a lie, but such lies can be useful to type-check complex binding projects.

Specifying decorators isn’t required—the above are just examples to show that this is possible.

nanobind will internally copy the signature during function/type creation, hence dynamically generated strings with a limited lifetime are legal.

The provided string should be valid Python signature, but without a trailing colon (":") or trailing newline. Furthermore, nanobind analyzes the string and expects to find the name of the function or class on the last line between the "def" / "class" prefix and the opening parenthesis.

For function bindings, this name must match the specified function name in .def("name", ..)-style binding declarations, and for class bindings, the specified name must match the name argument of nb::class_.

enum class rv_policy

A return value policy determines the question of ownership when a bound function returns a previously unknown C++ instance that must now be converted into a Python object.

Return value policies apply to functions that return values handled using class bindings, which means that their Python equivalent was registered using class_<...>. They are ignored in most other cases. One exception are STL types handled using type casters (e.g. std::vector<T>), which contain a nested type T handled using class bindings. In this case, the return value policy also applies recursively.

A return value policy is unnecessary when the type itself clarifies ownership (e.g., std::unique_ptr<T>, std::shared_ptr<T>, a type with intrusive reference counting).

The following policies are available (where automatic is the default). Please refer to the return value policy section of the main documentation, which clarifies the list below using concrete examples.

enumerator take_ownership

Create a Python object that wraps the existing C++ instance and takes full ownership of it. No copies are made. Python will call the C++ destructor and delete operator when the Python wrapper is garbage collected at some later point. The C++ side must relinquish ownership and is not allowed to destruct the instance, or undefined behavior will ensue.

enumerator copy

Copy-construct a new Python object from the C++ instance. The new copy will be owned by Python, while C++ retains ownership of the original.

enumerator move

Move-construct a new Python object from the C++ instance. The new object will be owned by Python, while C++ retains ownership of the original (whose contents were likely invalidated by the move operation).

enumerator reference

Create a Python object that wraps the existing C++ instance without taking ownership of it. No copies are made. Python will never call the destructor or delete operator, even when the Python wrapper is garbage collected.

enumerator reference_internal

A safe extension of the reference policy for methods that implement some form of attribute access. It creates a Python object that wraps the existing C++ instance without taking ownership of it. Additionally, it adjusts reference counts to keeps the method’s implicit self argument alive until the newly created object has been garbage collected.

enumerator none

This is the most conservative policy: it simply refuses the cast unless the C++ instance already has a corresponding Python object, in which case the question of ownership becomes moot.

enumerator automatic

This is the default return value policy, which falls back to take_ownership when the return value is a pointer, move when it is a rvalue reference, and copy when it is a lvalue reference.

enumerator automatic_reference

This policy matches automatic but falls back to reference when the return value is a pointer.

struct kw_only

Indicate that all following function parameters are keyword-only. This may only be used if you supply an arg annotation for each parameters, because keyword-only parameters are useless if they don’t have names. For example, if you write

int some_func(int one, const char* two);

m.def("some_func", &some_func,
      nb::arg("one"), nb::kw_only(), nb::arg("two"));

then in Python you can write some_func(42, two="hi"), or some_func(one=42, two="hi"), but not some_func(42, "hi").

Just like in Python, any parameters appearing after variadic *args are implicitly keyword-only. You don’t need to include the kw_only annotation in this case, but if you do include it, it must be in the correct position: immediately after the arg annotation for the variadic *args parameter.

template<typename T>
struct for_getter

When defining a property with a getter and a setter, you can use this to only pass a function binding attribute to the getter part. An example is shown below.

nb::class_<MyClass>(m, "MyClass")
  .def_prop_rw("value", &MyClass::value,
          nb::for_getter(nb::sig("def value(self, /) -> int")),
          nb::for_setter(nb::sig("def value(self, value: int, /) -> None")),
          nb::for_getter("docstring for getter"),
          nb::for_setter("docstring for setter"));
template<typename T>
struct for_setter

Analogous to for_getter, but for setters.

template<typename Policy>
struct call_policy

Request that custom logic be inserted around each call to the bound function, by calling Policy::precall(args, nargs, cleanup) before Python-to-C++ argument conversion, and Policy::postcall(args, nargs, ret) after C++-to-Python return value conversion.

If multiple call policy annotations are provided for the same function, then their precall and postcall hooks will both execute left-to-right according to the order in which the annotations were specified when binding the function.

The nb::call_guard<T>() annotation should be preferred over call_policy unless the wrapper logic depends on the function arguments or return value. If both annotations are combined, then nb::call_guard<T>() always executes on the “inside” (closest to the bound function, after argument conversions and before return value conversion) regardless of its position in the function annotations list.

Your Policy class must define two static member functions:

static void precall(PyObject **args, size_t nargs, detail::cleanup_list *cleanup);

A hook that will be invoked before calling the bound function. More precisely, it is called after any argument locks have been obtained, but before the Python arguments are converted to C++ objects for the function call.

This hook may access or modify the function arguments using the args array, which holds borrowed references in one-to-one correspondence with the C++ arguments of the bound function. If the bound function is a method, then args[0] is its self argument. nargs is the number of function arguments. It is actually passed as std::integral_constant<size_t, N>(), so you can match on that type if you want to do compile-time checks with it.

The cleanup list may be used as it is used in type casters, to cause some Python object references to be released at some point after the bound function completes. (If the bound function is part of an overload set, the cleanup list isn’t released until all overloads have been tried.)

precall() may choose to throw a C++ exception. If it does, it will preempt execution of the bound function, and the exception will be treated as if the bound function had thrown it.

static void postcall(PyObject **args, size_t nargs, handle ret);

A hook that will be invoked after calling the bound function and converting its return value to a Python object, but only if the bound function returned normally.

args stores the Python object arguments, with the same semantics as in precall(), except that arguments that participated in implicit conversions will have had their args[i] pointer updated to reflect the new Python object that the implicit conversion produced. nargs is the number of arguments, passed as a std::integral_constant in the same way as for precall().

ret is the bound function’s return value. If the bound function returned normally but its C++ return value could not be converted to a Python object, then postcall() will execute with ret set to null, and the Python error indicator might or might not be set to explain why.

If the bound function did not return normally – either because its Python object arguments couldn’t be converted to the appropriate C++ types, or because the C++ function threw an exception – then postcall() will not execute. If you need some cleanup logic to run even in such cases, your precall() can add a capsule object to the cleanup list; its destructor will run eventually, but with no promises as to when. A nb::call_guard might be a better choice.

postcall() may choose to throw a C++ exception. If it does, the result of the wrapped function will be destroyed, and the exception will be raised in its place, as if the bound function had thrown it just before returning.

Here is an example policy to demonstrate. nb::call_policy<returns_references_to<I>>() behaves like nb::keep_alive<0, I>(), except that the return value is a treated as a list of objects rather than a single one.

template <size_t I>
struct returns_references_to {
    static void precall(PyObject **, size_t, nb::detail::cleanup_list *) {}

    template <size_t N>
    static void postcall(PyObject **args,
                         std::integral_constant<size_t, N>,
                         nb::handle ret) {
        static_assert(I > 0 && I < N,
                      "I in returns_references_to<I> must be in the "
                      "range [1, number of C++ function arguments]");
        if (!nb::isinstance<nb::sequence>(ret)) {
            throw std::runtime_error("return value should be a sequence");
        for (nb::handle nurse : ret) {
            nb::detail::keep_alive(nurse.ptr(), args[I]);

For a more complex example (binding an object that uses trivially-copyable callbacks), see tests/test_callbacks.cpp in the nanobind source distribution.

Class binding annotations

The following annotations can be specified using the variable-length Extra parameter of the constructor class_::class_().

Besides the below options, also refer to the sig which is usable in both function and class bindings. It can be used to override class declarations in generated stubs,

struct is_final

Indicate that a type cannot be subclassed.

struct dynamic_attr

Indicate that instances of a type require a Python dictionary to support the dynamic addition of attributes.

struct is_weak_referenceable

Indicate that instances of a type require a weak reference list so that they can be referenced by the Python weakref.* types.

struct is_generic

If present, nanobind will add a __class_getitem__ function to the newly created type that permits constructing parameterized versions (e.g., MyType[int]). The implementation of this function is equivalent to

def __class_getitem__(cls, value):
    import types
    return types.GenericAlias(cls, value)

See the section on creating generic types for an example.

This feature is only supported on Python 3.9+. Nanobind will ignore the attribute in Python 3.8 builds.

template<typename T>
struct supplement

Indicate that sizeof(T) bytes of memory should be set aside to store supplemental data in the type object. See Supplemental type data for more information.

struct type_slots
type_slots(PyType_Slot *value)

nanobind uses the PyType_FromSpec Python C API interface to construct types. In certain advanced use cases, it may be helpful to append additional type slots during type construction. This class binding annotation can be used to accomplish this. The provided list should be followed by a zero-initialized PyType_Slot element. See Customizing type creation for more information about this feature.

template<typename T>
struct intrusive_ptr

nanobind provides a custom interface for intrusive reference-counted C++ types that nicely integrate with Python reference counting. See the separate section on this topic. This annotation marks a type as compatible with this interface.

intrusive_ptr(void (*set_self_py)(T*, PyObject*) noexcept)

Declares a callback that will be invoked when a C++ instance is first cast into a Python object.

Enum binding annotations

The following annotations can be specified using the variable-length Extra parameter of the constructor enum_::enum_().

struct is_arithmetic

Indicate that the enumeration supports arithmetic operations. This enables both unary (-, ~, abs()) and binary (+, -, *, //, &, |, ^, <<, >>) operations with operands of either enumeration or numeric types.

The result will be as if the operands were first converted to integers. (So Shape(2) + Shape(1) == 3 and Shape(2) * 1.5 == 3.0.) It is unspecified whether operations on mixed enum types (such as Shape.Circle + Color.Red) are permissible.

Passing this annotation changes the Python enumeration parent class to either enum.IntEnum or enum.IntFlag, depending on whether or not the flag enumeration attribute is also specified (see is_flag).

struct is_flag

Indicate that the enumeration supports bit-wise operations. This enables the operators (|, &, ^, and ~) with two enumerators as operands.

The result has the same type as the operands, i.e., Shape(2) | Shape(1) will be equivalent to Shape(3).

Passing this annotation changes the Python enumeration parent class to either enum.IntFlag or enum.Flag, depending on whether or not the enumeration is also marked to support arithmetic operations (see is_arithmetic).

Function binding

object cpp_function(Func &&f, const Extra&... extra)

Convert the function f into a Python callable. This function has a few overloads (not shown here) to separately deal with function/method pointers and lambda functions.

The variable length extra parameter can be used to pass a docstring and other function binding annotations.

Class binding

template<typename T, typename ...Ts>
class class_ : public object

Binding helper class to expose a custom C++ type T (declared using either the class or struct keyword) in Python.

The variable length parameter Ts is optional and can be used to specify the base class of T and/or an alias needed to realize trampoline classes.

When the type T was previously already registered (either within the same extension or another extension), the class_<..> declaration is redundant. nanobind will print a warning message in this case:

RuntimeWarning: nanobind: type 'MyType' was already registered!

The class_<..> instance will subsequently wrap the original type object instead of creating a new one.

template<typename ...Extra>
class_(handle scope, const char *name, const Extra&... extra)

Bind the type T to the identifier name within the scope scope. The variable length extra parameter can be used to pass a docstring and other class binding annotations.

template<typename Func, typename ...Extra>
class_ &def(const char *name, Func &&f, const Extra&... extra)

Bind the function f and assign it to the class member name. The variable length extra parameter can be used to pass a docstring and other function binding annotations.

This function has two overloads (listed just below) to handle constructor binding declarations.


struct A {
    void f() { /*...*/ }

nb::class_<A>(m, "A")
    .def(nb::init<>()) // Bind the default constructor
    .def("f", &A::f);  // Bind the method A::f
template<typename ...Args, typename ...Extra>
class_ &def(init<Args...> arg, const Extra&... extra)

Bind a constructor. The variable length extra parameter can be used to pass a docstring and other function binding annotations.

template<typename Arg, typename ...Extra>
class_ &def(init_implicit<Arg> arg, const Extra&... extra)

Bind a constructor that may be used for implicit type conversions. The constructor must take a single argument of an unspecified type Arg.

When nanobind later tries to dispatch a function call requiring an argument of type T while Arg was actually provided, it will run this constructor to perform the necessary conversion.

The variable length extra parameter can be used to pass a docstring and other function binding annotations.

This constructor generates more compact code than a separate call to implicitly_convertible(), but is otherwise equivalent.

template<typename Func, typename ...Extra>
class_ &def(new_<Func> arg, const Extra&... extra)

Bind a C++ factory function as a Python object constructor (__new__). This is an advanced feature; prefer nb::init<..> where possible. See the discussion of customizing object creation for more details.

template<typename C, typename D, typename ...Extra>
class_ &def_rw(const char *name, D C::* p, const Extra&... extra)

Bind the field p and assign it to the class member name. nanobind constructs a property object with read-write access (hence the rw suffix) to do so.

Every access from Python will read from or write to the C++ field while performing a suitable conversion (using type casters, bindings, or wrappers) as determined by its type.

The variable length extra parameter can be used to pass a docstring and other function binding annotations that are forwarded to the anonymous functions used to construct the property. Use the nb::for_getter and nb::for_setter to pass annotations specifically to the setter or getter part.


struct A { int value; };

nb::class_<A>(m, "A")
    .def_rw("value", &A::value); // Enable mutable access to the field A::value
template<typename C, typename D, typename ...Extra>
class_ &def_ro(const char *name, D C::* p, const Extra&... extra)

Bind the field p and assign it to the class member name. nanobind constructs a property object with read only access (hence the ro suffix) to do so.

Every access from Python will read the C++ field while performing a suitable conversion (using type casters, bindings, or wrappers) as determined by its type.

The variable length extra parameter can be used to pass a docstring and other function binding annotations that are forwarded to the anonymous functions used to construct the property.


struct A { int value; };

nb::class_<A>(m, "A")
    .def_ro("value", &A::value);  // Enable read-only access to the field A::value
template<typename Getter, typename Setter, typename ...Extra>
class_ &def_prop_rw(const char *name, Getter &&getter, Setter &&setter, const Extra&... extra)

Construct a mutable (hence the rw suffix) Python property and assign it to the class member name. Every read access will call the function getter with the T instance, and every write access will call the setter with the T instance and value to be assigned.

The variable length extra parameter can be used to pass a docstring and other function binding annotations. Use the nb::for_getter and nb::for_setter to pass annotations specifically to the setter or getter part.

Note that this function implicitly assigns the rv_policy::reference_internal return value policy to getter (as opposed to the usual rv_policy::automatic). Provide an explicit return value policy as part of the extra argument to override this.

Example: the example below uses def_prop_rw() to expose a C++ setter/getter pair as a more “Pythonic” property:

class A {
    A(int value) : m_value(value) { }
    void set_value(int value) { m_value = value; }
    int value() const { return m_value; }
    int m_value;

nb::class_<A>(m, "A")
        [](A &t) { return t.value() ; },
        [](A &t, int value) { t.set_value(value); });
template<typename Getter, typename ...Extra>
class_ &def_prop_ro(const char *name, Getter &&getter, const Extra&... extra)

Construct a read-only (hence the ro suffix) Python property and assign it to the class member name. Every read access will call the function getter with the T instance.

The variable length extra parameter can be used to pass a docstring and other function binding annotations.

Note that this function implicitly assigns the rv_policy::reference_internal return value policy to getter (as opposed to the usual rv_policy::automatic). Provide an explicit return value policy as part of the extra argument to override this.

Example: the example below uses def_prop_ro() to expose a C++ getter as a more “Pythonic” property:

class A {
    A(int value) : m_value(value) { }
    int value() const { return m_value; }
    int m_value;

nb::class_<A>(m, "A")
        [](A &t) { return t.value() ; });
template<typename Func, typename ...Extra>
class_ &def_static(const char *name, Func &&f, const Extra&... extra)

Bind the static function f and assign it to the class member name. The variable length extra parameter can be used to pass a docstring and other function binding annotations.


struct A {
    static void f() { /*...*/ }

nb::class_<A>(m, "A")
    .def_static("f", &A::f);  // Bind the static method A::f
template<typename D, typename ...Extra>
class_ &def_rw_static(const char *name, D *p, const Extra&... extra)

Bind the static field p and assign it to the class member name. nanobind constructs a class property object with read-write access (hence the rw suffix) to do so.

Every access from Python will read from or write to the static C++ field while performing a suitable conversion (using type casters, bindings, or wrappers) as determined by its type.

The variable length extra parameter can be used to pass a docstring and other function binding annotations that are forwarded to the anonymous functions used to construct the property Use the nb::for_getter and nb::for_setter to pass annotations specifically to the setter or getter part.


struct A { inline static int value = 5; };

nb::class_<A>(m, "A")
    // Enable mutable access to the static field A::value
    .def_rw_static("value", &A::value);
template<typename D, typename ...Extra>
class_ &def_ro_static(const char *name, D *p, const Extra&... extra)

Bind the static field p and assign it to the class member name. nanobind constructs a class property object with read-only access (hence the ro suffix) to do so.

Every access from Python will read the static C++ field while performing a suitable conversion (using type casters, bindings, or wrappers) as determined by its type.

The variable length extra parameter can be used to pass a docstring and other function binding annotations that are forwarded to the anonymous functions used to construct the property


struct A { inline static int value = 5; };

nb::class_<A>(m, "A")
    // Enable read-only access to the static field A::value
    .def_ro_static("value", &A::value);
template<typename Getter, typename Setter, typename ...Extra>
class_ &def_prop_rw_static(const char *name, Getter &&getter, Setter &&setter, const Extra&... extra)

Construct a mutable (hence the rw suffix) Python property and assign it to the class member name. Every read access will call the function getter with T’s Python type object, and every write access will call the setter with T’s Python type object and value to be assigned.

The variable length extra parameter can be used to pass a docstring and other function binding annotations. Use the nb::for_getter and nb::for_setter to pass annotations specifically to the setter or getter part.

Note that this function implicitly assigns the rv_policy::reference return value policy to getter (as opposed to the usual rv_policy::automatic). Provide an explicit return value policy as part of the extra argument to override this.

Example: the example below uses def_prop_rw_static() to expose a static C++ setter/getter pair as a more “Pythonic” property:

class A {
   static void set_value(int value) { s_value = value; }
   static int value() { return s_value; }
   inline static int s_value = 5;

nb::class_<A>(m, "A")
        [](nb::handle /*unused*/) { return A::value() ; },
        [](nb::handle /*unused*/, int value) { A::set_value(value); });
template<typename Getter, typename ...Extra>
class_ &def_prop_ro_static(const char *name, Getter &&getter, const Extra&... extra)

Construct a read-only (hence the ro suffix) Python property and assign it to the class member name. Every read access will call the function getter with T’s Python type object.

The variable length extra parameter can be used to pass a docstring and other function binding annotations.

Note that this function implicitly assigns the rv_policy::reference return value policy to getter (as opposed to the usual rv_policy::automatic). Provide an explicit return value policy as part of the extra argument to override this.

Example: the example below uses def_prop_ro_static() to expose a static C++ getter as a more “Pythonic” property:

class A {
   static int value() { return s_value; }
   inline static int s_value = 5;

nb::class_<A>(m, "A")
        [](nb::handle /*unused*/) { return A::value() ; });
template<detail::op_id id, detail::op_type ot, typename L, typename R, typename ...Extra>
class_ &def(const detail::op_<id, ot, L, R> &op, const Extra&... extra)

This interface provides convenient syntax sugar to replace relatively lengthy method bindings with shorter operator bindings. To use it, you will need an extra include directive:

#include <nanobind/operators.h>

Below is an example type with three arithmetic operators in C++ (unary negation and 2 binary subtraction overloads) along with corresponding bindings.


struct A {
   float value;

   A operator-() const { return { -value }; }
   A operator-(const A &o) const { return { value - o.value }; }
   A operator-(float o) const { return { value - o }; }

nb::class_<A>(m, "A")
    .def(nb::self - nb::self)
    .def(nb::self - float());

Bind an arithmetic or comparison operator expressed in short-hand form (e.g., .def(nb::self + nb::self)).

template<detail::op_id id, detail::op_type ot, typename L, typename R, typename ...Extra>
class_ &def_cast(const detail::op_<id, ot, L, R> &op, const Extra&... extra)

Like the above .def() variant, but furthermore cast the result of the operation back to T.

template<typename T>
class enum_ : public class_<T>

Class binding helper for scoped and unscoped C++ enumerations.

template<typename ...Extra>
NB_INLINE enum_(handle scope, const char *name, const Extra&... extra)

Bind the enumeration of type T to the identifier name within the scope scope. The variable length extra parameter can be used to pass a docstring and other enum binding annotations (currently, only is_arithmetic is supported).

enum_ &value(const char *name, T value, const char *doc = nullptr)

Add the entry value() to the enumeration using the identifier name, potentially with a docstring provided via doc (optional).

enum_ &export_values()

Export all entries of the enumeration into the parent scope.

template<typename T>
class exception : public object

Class binding helper for declaring new Python exception types

exception(handle scope, const char *name, handle base = PyExc_Exception)

Create a new exception type identified by name that derives from base, and install it in scope. The constructor also calls register_exception_translator() to register a new exception translator that converts caught C++ exceptions of type T into the newly created Python equivalent.

template<typename ...Args>
struct init

nanobind uses this simple helper class to capture the signature of a constructor. It is only meant to be used in binding declarations done via class_::def().

Sometimes, it is necessary to bind constructors that don’t exist in the underlying C++ type (meaning that they are specific to the Python bindings). Because init only works for existing C++ constructors, this requires a manual workaround noting that

nb::class_<MyType>(m, "MyType")
    .def(nb::init<const char*, int>());

is syntax sugar for the following lower-level implementation using “placement new”:

nb::class_<MyType>(m, "MyType")
         [](MyType* t, const char* arg0, int arg1) {
             new (t) MyType(arg0, arg1);

The provided lambda function will be called with a pointer to uninitialized memory that has already been allocated (this memory region is co-located with the Python object for reasons of efficiency). The lambda function can then either run an in-place constructor and return normally (in which case the instance is assumed to be correctly constructed) or fail by raising an exception.

template<typename Arg>
struct init_implicit

See init for detail on binding constructors. The main difference between init and init_implicit is that the latter only supports constructors taking a single argument Arg, and that it marks the constructor as usable for implicit conversions from Arg.

Sometimes, it is necessary to bind implicit conversion-capable constructors that don’t exist in the underlying C++ type (meaning that they are specific to the Python bindings). This can be done manually noting that

nb::class_<MyType>(m, "MyType")
    .def(nb::init_implicit<const char*>());

can be replaced by the lower-level code

nb::class_<MyType>(m, "MyType")
         [](MyType* t, const char* arg0) {
             new (t) MyType(arg0);

nb::implicitly_convertible<const char*, MyType>();
template<typename Func>
struct new_

This is a small helper class that indicates to class_::def() that a particular lambda or static method provides a Python object constructor (__new__) for the class being bound. Normally, you would use init instead if possible, in order to cooperate with nanobind’s usual object creation process. Using new_ replaces that process entirely. This is principally useful when some C++ type of interest can only provide pointers to its instances, rather than allowing them to be constructed directly.

Like init, the only use of a new_ object is as an argument to class_::def().

Example use:

class MyType {
    static std::shared_ptr<MyType> create();
    int value = 0;

nb::class_<MyType>(m, "MyType")

Given this example code, writing MyType() in Python would produce a Python object wrapping the result of MyType::create() in C++. If multiple calls to create() return pointers to the same C++ object, these will turn into references to the same Python object as well.

See the discussion of customizing Python object creation for more information.

GIL Management

These two RAII helper classes acquire and release the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) in a given scope. The gil_scoped_release helper is often combined with the call_guard, as in

m.def("expensive", &expensive, nb::call_guard<nb::gil_scoped_release>());

This releases the interpreter lock while expensive is running, which permits running it in parallel from multiple Python threads.

struct gil_scoped_acquire

Acquire the GIL


Release the GIL

struct gil_scoped_release

Release the GIL (must be currently held)

In free-threaded extensions, this operation also temporarily releases all argument locks held by the current thread.


Reacquire the GIL


Nanobind provides abstractions to implement additional locking that is needed to ensure the correctness of free-threaded Python extensions.

struct ft_mutex

Object-oriented wrapper representing a PyMutex. It can be slightly more efficient than OS/language-provided primitives (e.g., std::thread, pthread_mutex_t) and should generally be preferred when adding critical sections to Python bindings.

In Python builds without free-threading, this class does nothing. It has no attributes and the lock() and unlock() functions return immediately.


Create a new (unlocked) mutex.

void lock()

Acquire the mutex.

void unlock()

Release the mutex.

struct ft_lock_guard

This class provides a RAII lock guard analogous to std::lock_guard and std::unique_lock.

ft_lock_guard(ft_mutex &mutex)

Call mutex.lock() (no-op in non-free-threaded builds).


Call mutex.unlock() (no-op in non-free-threaded builds).

struct ft_object_guard

This class provides a RAII guard that locks a single Python object within a local scope (in contrast to ft_lock_guard, which locks a mutex).

It is a thin wrapper around the Python critical section API. Please refer to the Python documentation for details on the semantics of this relaxed form of critical section (in particular, Python critical sections may release previously held locks).

In Python builds without free-threading, this class does nothing—the constructor and destructor return immediately.

ft_object_guard(handle h)

Lock the object h (no-op in non-free-threaded builds)


Unlock the object h (no-op in non-free-threaded builds)

struct ft_object2_guard

This class provides a RAII guard that locks two Python object within a local scope (in contrast to ft_lock_guard, which locks a mutex).

It is a thin wrapper around the Python critical section API. Please refer to the Python documentation for details on the semantics of this relaxed form of critical section (in particular, Python critical sections may release previously held locks).

In Python builds without free-threading, this class does nothing—the constructor and destructor return immediately.

ft_object2_guard(handle h1, handle h2)

Lock the objects h1 and h2 (no-op in non-free-threaded builds)


Unlock the objects h1 and h2 (no-op in non-free-threaded builds)

Low-level type and instance access

nanobind exposes a low-level interface to provide fine-grained control over the sequence of steps that instantiates a Python object wrapping a C++ instance. A thorough explanation of these features is provided in a separate section.

Type objects

bool type_check(handle h)

Returns true if h is a type that was previously bound via class_.

size_t type_size(handle h)

Assuming that h represents a bound type (see type_check()), return its size in bytes.

size_t type_align(handle h)

Assuming that h represents a bound type (see type_check()), return its alignment in bytes.

const std::type_info &type_info(handle h)

Assuming that h represents a bound type (see type_check()), return its C++ RTTI record.

template<typename T>
T &type_supplement(handle h)

Return a reference to supplemental data stashed in a type object. The type T must exactly match the type specified in the nb::supplement<T> annotation used when creating the type; no type check is performed, and invalid supplement accesses may crash the interpreter. Also refer to nb::supplement<T>.

str type_name(handle h)

Return the full (module-qualified) name of a type object as a Python string.

void *type_get_slot(handle h, int slot_id)

On Python 3.10+, this function is a simple wrapper around the Python C API function PyType_GetSlot that provides stable API-compatible access to type object members. On Python 3.9 and earlier, the official function did not work on non-heap types. The nanobind version consistently works on heap and non-heap types across Python versions.


The documentation below refers to two per-instance flags with the following meaning:

  • ready: is the instance fully constructed? nanobind will not permit passing the instance to a bound C++ function when this flag is unset.

  • destruct: should nanobind call the C++ destructor when the instance is garbage-collected?

bool inst_check(handle h)

Returns true if h represents an instance of a type that was previously bound via class_.

template<typename T>
T *inst_ptr(handle h)

Assuming that h represents an instance of a type that was previously bound via class_, return a pointer to the underlying C++ instance.

The function does not check that h actually contains an instance with C++ type T.

object inst_alloc(handle h)

Assuming that h represents a type object that was previously created via class_ (see type_check()), allocate an unitialized object of type h and return it. The ready and destruct flags of the returned instance are both set to false.

object inst_alloc_zero(handle h)

Assuming that h represents a type object that was previously created via class_ (see type_check()), allocate a zero-initialized object of type h and return it. The ready and destruct flags of the returned instance are both set to true.

This operation is equivalent to calling inst_alloc() followed by inst_zero().

object inst_reference(handle h, void *p, handle parent = handle())

Assuming that h represents a type object that was previously created via class_ (see type_check()) create an object of type h that wraps an existing C++ instance p.

The ready and destruct flags of the returned instance are respectively set to true and false.

This is analogous to casting a C++ object with return value policy rv_policy::reference.

If a parent object is specified, the instance keeps this parent alive while the newly created object exists. This is analogous to casting a C++ object with return value policy rv_policy::reference_internal.

object inst_take_ownership(handle h, void *p)

Assuming that h represents a type object that was previously created via class_ (see type_check()) create an object of type h that wraps an existing C++ instance p.

The ready and destruct flags of the returned instance are both set to true.

This is analogous to casting a C++ object with return value policy rv_policy::take_ownership.

void inst_zero(handle h)

Zero-initialize the contents of h. Sets the ready and destruct flags to true.

bool inst_ready(handle h)

Query the ready flag of the instance h.

std::pair<bool, bool> inst_state(handle h)

Separately query the ready and destruct flags of the instance h.

void inst_mark_ready(handle h)

Simultaneously set the ready and destruct flags of the instance h to true.

void inst_set_state(handle h, bool ready, bool destruct)

Separately set the ready and destruct flags of the instance h.

void inst_destruct(handle h)

Destruct the instance h. This entails calling the C++ destructor if the destruct flag is set and then setting the ready and destruct fields to false.

void inst_copy(handle dst, handle src)

Copy-construct the contents of src into dst and set the ready and destruct flags of dst to true.

dst should be an uninitialized instance of the same type. Note that setting the destruct flag may be problematic if dst is an offset into an existing object created using inst_reference() (the destructor will be called multiple times in this case). If so, you must use inst_set_state() to disable the flag following the call to inst_copy().

New in nanobind v2.0.0: The function is a no-op when src and dst refer to the same object.

void inst_move(handle dst, handle src)

Analogous to inst_copy(), except that the move constructor is used instead of the copy constructor.

void inst_replace_copy(handle dst, handle src)

Destruct the contents of dst (even if the destruct flag is false). Next, copy-construct the contents of src into dst and set the ready flag of dst. The value of the destruct flag is subsequently set to its value prior to the call.

This operation is useful to replace the contents of one instance with that of another regardless of whether dst has been created using inst_alloc(), inst_reference(), or inst_take_ownership().

New in nanobind v2.0.0: The function is a no-op when src and dst refer to the same object.

void inst_replace_move(handle dst, handle src)

Analogous to inst_replace_copy(), except that the move constructor is used instead of the copy constructor.

str inst_name(handle h)

Return the full (module-qualified) name of the instance’s type object as a Python string.

Global flags

bool leak_warnings() noexcept

Returns whether nanobind warns if any nanobind instances, types, or functions are still alive when the Python interpreter shuts down.

bool implicit_cast_warnings() noexcept

Returns whether nanobind warns if an implicit conversion was not successful.

void set_leak_warnings(bool value) noexcept

By default, nanobind loudly complains when any nanobind instances, types, or functions are still alive when the Python interpreter shuts down. Call this function to disable or re-enable leak warnings.

void set_implicit_cast_warnings(bool value) noexcept

By default, nanobind loudly complains when it attempts to perform an implicit conversion, and when that conversion is not successful. Call this function to disable or re-enable the warnings.

inline bool is_alive() noexcept

The function returns true when nanobind is initialized and ready for use. It returns false when the Python interpreter has shut down, causing the destruction various nanobind-internal data structures. Having access to this liveness status can be useful to avoid operations that are illegal in the latter context.


str repr(handle h)

Return a stringified version of the provided Python object. Equivalent to repr(h) in Python.

void print(handle value, handle end = handle(), handle file = handle())

Invoke the Python print() function to print the object value. If desired, a line ending end and file handle file can be specified.

void print(const char *str, handle end = handle(), handle file = handle())

Invoke the Python print() function to print the null-terminated C-style string str that is encoded using UTF-8 encoding. If desired, a line ending end and file handle file can be specified.

iterator iter(handle h)

Equivalent to iter(h) in Python.

object none()

Return an object representing the value None.

dict builtins()

Return the __builtins__ dictionary.

dict globals()

Return the globals() dictionary.

Py_hash_t hash(handle h)

Hash the given argument like hash() in pure Python. The type of the return value (Py_hash_t) is an implementation-specific signed integer type.

template<typename Source, typename Target>
void implicitly_convertible()

Indicate that the type Source is implicitly convertible into Target (which must refer to a type that was previously bound via class_).

Note: the init_implicit interface generates more compact code and should be preferred, i.e., use

nb::class_<Target>(m, "Target")

instead of

nb::class_<Target>(m, "Target")

nb::implicitly_convertible<Source, Target>();

The function is provided for reasons of compatibility with pybind11, and as an escape hatch to enable use cases where init_implicit is not available (e.g., for custom binding-specific constructors that don’t exist in Target type).

template<typename T, typename ...Ts>
class typed

This helper class provides an interface to parameterize generic types to improve generated Python function signatures (e.g., to turn list into list[MyType]).

Consider the following binding that iterates over a Python list.

m.def("f", [](nb::list l) {
    for (handle h : l) {
        // ...

Suppose that f expects a list of MyType objects, which is not clear from the signature. To make this explicit, use the nb::typed<T, Ts...> wrapper to pass additional type parameters. This has no effect besides clarifying the signature—in particular, nanobind does not insert additional runtime checks!

m.def("f", [](nb::typed<nb::list, MyType> l) {
    for (nb::handle h : l) {
        // ...