Object ownership, continued

This section covers intrusive reference counting as an alternative to shared pointers, and it explains the nitty-gritty details of how shared and unique pointer conversion is implemented in nanobind.

Intrusive reference counting

nanobind provides a custom intrusive reference counting solution that completely solves the issue of shared C++/Python object ownership, while avoiding the overheads and complexities of traditional C++ shared pointers (std::shared_ptr<T>).

The main limitation is that it requires adapting the base class of an object hierarchy according to the needs of nanobind, which may not always be possible.


Consider the following simple class with intrusive reference counting:

class Object {
    void inc_ref() const noexcept { ++m_ref_count; }

    void dec_ref() const noexcept {
        if (--m_ref_count == 0)
            delete this;

    mutable std::atomic<size_t> m_ref_count { 0 };

It contains an atomic counter that stores the number of references. When the counter reaches zero, the object deallocates itself. Easy and efficient.

The advantage of over std::shared_ptr<T> is that no separate control block must be allocated. Technical band-aids like std::enable_shared_from_this<T> can also be avoided, since the reference count is always found in the object itself.

However, one issue that tends to arise when a type like Object is wrapped using nanobind is that there are now two separate reference counts referring to the same object: one in Python’s PyObject, and one in Object. This can lead to a problematic reference cycle:

  • Python’s PyObject needs to keep the Object instance alive so that it can be safely passed to C++ functions.

  • The C++ Object may in turn need to keep the PyObject alive. This is the case when a subclass uses trampolines (NB_TRAMPOLINE, NB_OVERRIDE) to catch C++ virtual function calls and potentially dispatch them to an overridden implementation in Python. In this case, the C++ instance needs to be able to perform a function call on its own Python object identity, which requires a reference.

The source of the problem is that there are two separate counters that try to reason about the reference count of one instance, which leads to an uncollectable inter-language reference cycle.

The solution

We can solve the problem by using just one counter:

  • if an instance lives purely on the C++ side, the m_ref_count field is used to reason about the number of references.

  • The first time that an instance is exposed to Python (by being created from Python, or by being returned from a bound C++ function), lifetime management switches over to Python.

The file nanobind/intrusive/counter.h includes an official sample implementation of this functionality. It contains an extra optimization to pack either a reference counter or a pointer to a PyObject* into a single sizeof(void*)-sized field.

The most basic interface, intrusive_counter represents an atomic counter that can be increased (via intrusive_counter::inc_ref()) or decreased (via intrusive_counter::dec_ref()). When the counter reaches zero, the object should be deleted, which dec_ref() indicates by returning true.

In addition to this simple counting mechanism, ownership of the object can also be transferred to Python (via intrusive_counter::set_self_py()). In this case, subsequent calls to inc_ref() and dec_ref() modify the reference count of the underlying Python object.

To incorporate intrusive reference counting into your own project, you would usually add an intrusive_counter-typed member to the base class of an object hierarchy and expose it as follows:

#include <nanobind/intrusive/counter.h>

class Object {
    void inc_ref() noexcept { m_ref_count.inc_ref(); }
    bool dec_ref() noexcept { return m_ref_count.dec_ref(); }

    // Important: must declare virtual destructor
    virtual ~Object() = default;

    void set_self_py(PyObject *self) noexcept {

    nb::intrusive_counter m_ref_count;

// Convenience function for increasing the reference count of an instance
inline void inc_ref(Object *o) noexcept {
    if (o)

// Convenience function for decreasing the reference count of an instance
// and potentially deleting it when the count reaches zero
inline void dec_ref(Object *o) noexcept {
    if (o && o->dec_ref())
        delete o;

Alternatively, you could also inherit from intrusive_base, which obviates the need for all of the above declarations:

class Object : public nb::intrusive_base {
    // ...

The main change in the bindings is that the base class must specify a nb::intrusive_ptr annotation to inform an instance that lifetime management has been taken over by Python. This annotation is automatically inherited by all subclasses. In the linked example, this is done via the Object::set_self_py() method that we can now call from the class binding annotation:

  m, "Object",
      [](Object *o, PyObject *po) noexcept { o->set_self_py(po); }));

Also, somewhere in your binding initialization code, you must register Python reference counting hooks with the intrusive reference counter class. This allows its implementation of the code in nanobind/intrusive/counter.h to not depend on Python (this means that it can be used in projects where Python bindings are an optional component).

    [](PyObject *o) noexcept {
        nb::gil_scoped_acquire guard;
    [](PyObject *o) noexcept {
        nb::gil_scoped_acquire guard;

These counter.h include file references several functions that must be compiled somewhere inside the project, which can be accomplished by including the following file from a single .cpp file.

#include <nanobind/intrusive/counter.inl>

Having to call inc_ref() and dec_ref() many times to perform manual reference counting in project code can quickly become tedious. Nanobind also ships with a ref<T> RAII helper class to help with this.

#include <nanobind/intrusive/ref.h>

void foo() {
    /// Assignment to ref<T> automatically increases the object's reference count
    ref<MyObject> x = new MyObject();

    // ref<T> can be used like a normal pointer

} // <-- ref::~ref() calls dec_ref(), which deletes the now-unreferenced instance

When the file nanobind/intrusive/ref.h is included following nanobind/nanobind.h, it also exposes a custom type caster to bind functions taking or returning ref<T>-typed values.

That’s it. If you use this approach, any potential issues involving shared pointers, return value policies, reference leaks with trampolines, etc., can be avoided from the beginning.

Shared pointers, continued

The following continues the discussion of shared pointers in the introductory section on object ownership and provides detail on how shared pointer conversion is implemented by nanobind.

When the user calls a C++ function taking an argument of type std::shared_ptr<T> from Python, ownership of that object must be shared between C++ to Python. nanobind does this by increasing the reference count of the PyObject and then creating a std::shared_ptr<T> with a new control block containing a custom deleter that will in turn reduce the Python reference count upon destruction of the shared pointer.

When a C++ function returns a std::shared_ptr<T>, nanobind checks if the instance already has a PyObject counterpart (nothing needs to be done in this case). Otherwise, it indicates shared ownership by creating a temporary std::shared_ptr<T> on the heap that will be destructed when the PyObject is garbage collected.

The approach in nanobind was chosen following on discussions with Ralf Grosse-Kunstleve; it is unusual in that multiple shared_ptr control blocks are potentially allocated for the same object, which means that std::shared_ptr<T>::use_count() generally won’t show the true global reference count.


The C++ standard library class std::enable_shared_from_this<T> allows an object that inherits from it to locate an existing std::shared_ptr<T> that manages that object. nanobind supports types that inherit from enable_shared_from_this, with some caveats described in this section.

Background (not nanobind-specific): Suppose a type ST inherits from std::enable_shared_from_this<ST>. When a raw pointer ST *obj or std::unique_ptr<ST> obj is wrapped in a shared pointer using a constructor of the form std::shared_ptr<ST>(obj, ...), a reference to the new shared_ptr's control block is saved (as std::weak_ptr<ST>) inside the object. This allows new shared_ptrs that share ownership with the existing one to be obtained for the same object using obj->shared_from_this() or obj->weak_from_this().

nanobind’s support for std::enable_shared_from_this consists of three behaviors:

  • If a raw pointer ST *obj is returned from C++ to Python, and there already exists an associated std::shared_ptr<ST> which obj->shared_from_this() can locate, then nanobind will produce a Python instance that shares ownership with it. The behavior is identical to what would happen if the C++ code did return obj->shared_from_this(); (returning an explicit std::shared_ptr<ST> to Python) rather than return obj;. The return value policy has limited effect in this case; you will get shared ownership on the Python side regardless of whether you used rv_policy::take_ownership or rv_policy::reference. (rv_policy::copy and rv_policy::move will still create a new object that has no ongoing relationship to the returned pointer.)

    • Note that this behavior occurs only if such a std::shared_ptr<ST> already exists! If not, then nanobind behaves as it would without enable_shared_from_this: a raw pointer will transfer exclusive ownership to Python by default, or will create a non-owning reference if you use rv_policy::reference.

  • If a Python object is passed to C++ as std::shared_ptr<ST> obj, and there already exists an associated std::shared_ptr<ST> which obj->shared_from_this() can locate, then nanobind will produce a std::shared_ptr<ST> that shares ownership with it: an additional reference to the same control block, rather than a new control block (as would occur without enable_shared_from_this). This improves performance and makes the result of shared_ptr::use_count() more accurate.

  • If a Python object is passed to C++ as std::shared_ptr<ST> obj, and there is no associated std::shared_ptr<ST> that obj->shared_from_this() can locate, then nanobind will produce a std::shared_ptr<ST> as usual (with a new control block whose deleter drops a Python object reference), and will do so in a way that enables future calls to obj->shared_from_this() to find it as long as any shared_ptr that shares this control block is still alive on the C++ side.

    (Once all of the std::shared_ptr<ST>s that share this control block have been destroyed, the underlying PyObject reference being managed by the shared_ptr deleter will be dropped, and shared_from_this() will stop working. It can be reenabled by passing the Python object back to C++ as std::shared_ptr<ST> once more, which will create another control block.)

Bindings for a class that supports enable_shared_from_this will be slightly larger than bindings for a class that doesn’t, as nanobind must produce type-specific code to implement the above behaviors.


The shared_from_this() method will only work when there is actually a std::shared_ptr managing the object. A nanobind instance constructed from Python will not have an associated std::shared_ptr yet, so shared_from_this() will throw an exception if you pass such an instance to C++ using a reference or raw pointer. shared_from_this() will only work when there exists a corresponding live std::shared_ptr on the C++ side.

The only situation where nanobind will create the first std::shared_ptr for an object (thus enabling shared_from_this()), even with enable_shared_from_this, is when a Python instance is passed to C++ as the explicit type std::shared_ptr<T>. If you don’t do this, or if no such std::shared_ptr is still alive, then shared_from_this() will throw an exception. It also works to create the std::shared_ptr on the C++ side, such as by using a factory function which always uses std::make_shared<T>(...) to construct the object, and returns the resulting std::shared_ptr<T> to Python.

If you need to enable shared_from_this immediately upon regular Python-side object construction (i.e., SomeType(*args) rather than SomeType.some_fn(*args)), you can bind a C++ function that returns std::shared_ptr<T> as your class’s __new__ method. See the documentation on customizing object creation.


C++ code that receives a raw pointer T *obj must not assume that it has exclusive ownership of obj, or even that obj is allocated on the C++ heap (via operator new); obj might instead be a subobject of a nanobind instance allocated from Python. This applies even if T supports shared_from_this() and there is no associated std::shared_ptr. Lack of a shared_ptr does not imply exclusive ownership; it just means there’s no way to share ownership with whoever the current owner is.

Unique pointers

The following continues the discussion of unique pointers in the introductory section on object ownership and provides detail on how unique pointer conversion is implemented by nanobind.

Whereas std::shared_ptr<..> could abstract over details concerning storage and the deletion mechanism, this is not possible in the simpler std::unique_ptr<..>, which means that some of those details leak into the type signature.

When the user calls a C++ function taking an argument of type std::unique_ptr<T, Deleter> from Python, ownership of that object must be transferred from C++ to Python.

  • When Deleter is std::default_delete<T> (i.e., the default when no Deleter is specified), this ownership transfer is only possible when the instance was originally created by a new expression within C++ and nanobind has taken over ownership (i.e., it was created by a function returning a raw pointer T *value with rv_policy::take_ownership, or a function returning a std::unique_ptr<T>). This limitation exists because the Deleter will execute the statement delete value when the unique pointer expires, causing undefined behavior when the object was allocated within Python (the problem here is that nanobind uses the Python memory allocator and furthermore co-locates Python and C++ object storage. A delete expression cannot be used in such a case). nanobind detects this, refuses unsafe conversions with a TypeError and emits a separate warning.

  • To enable ownership transfer under all conditions, nanobind provides a custom Deleter named nb::deleter<T> that uses reference counting to keep the underlying PyObject alive during the lifetime of the unique pointer. Following this route requires changing function signatures so that they use std::unique_ptr<T, nb::deleter<T>> instead of std::unique_ptr<T>. This custom deleter supports ownership by both C++ and Python and can be used in all situations.

In both cases, a Python object may continue to exist after ownership was transferred to C++ side. nanobind marks this object as invalid: any operations involving it will fail with a TypeError. Reverse ownership transfer at a later point will make it usable again.

Binding functions that return a std::unique_ptr<T, Deleter> always works: nanobind will then acquire or reacquire ownership of the object.

Deleters other than std::default_delete<T> or nb::deleter<T> are not supported.